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Design Samples: Infographics and Layout

Being a sophomore undergraduate, I have created infographics as well as established unique layout for the Opinion section of The Mirror. Below are some of my best samples.

#MeToo Movement Infographic

For my Rhetorics of Resistance course at Fairfield University, I was asked to design an infographic. I decided to create one centered around encouraging my audience of adolescent peers to partake in discussion and action towards the #MeToo Movement. Every visual choice seen was mine, including the choice of colors, fonts, images, and icon placements. To view the full infographic clearer please use this link: 

Opinion Layout

As Opinion Editor of The Mirror, I establish a unique weekly layout for the section. I have sole control over the images displayed, usage and number of columns, spacing, and the wrapping of text. I utilize Adobe InDesign each week to complete layout and I will continue to improve my design skills over the next three years while working for The Mirror.

Campus Promotion

Stags up! As a New Student Leader at Fairfield University, one of my many tasks is engaging students on campus, as well as welcoming first-years! Here is one example of a post that I created to be shared on our media sites. The color, fonts, layout, and images were chosen by myself, utilizing the platform Piktochart.